CYG offers situation management training, de-escalation, non-violent crisis intervention, program development, policy/legislative review, security and risk assessment services.
Ryan Leef, Chief Instructor and primary consultant for Check Your Gear Solutions, brings over 20 years of diversified law enforcement and security-related work as a front-line officer, instructor and manager.
Our core "Solution Oriented Situation Management" training has been delivered to over 3000 participants across diverse fields of employment from corporations to Hospital/health care, enforcement and security agencies, First Nation Governments and client service staff.
CYG specializes in individualized curriculum development and training to meet your agency's needs, priorities and budgetary considerations.
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Basic Law Enforcement
and Security
Policy Review and
Expert Advice
Leadership Training
Risk Assessment and Strategic Review
Defense Tactics
Build your knowledge and understanding of real risk so you can walk confidently and safely in your world. We tailor training to adapt to the realities of your day to day life.
This program is ideal for all ages and is offered exclusively for women and girls.